creative | influence | pr | communications
+ 1 (312) 278 5729
+55 (15) 99810 4484 → seda juntinhos (sunsilk) / unilever
_shortlisted in multiple categories at Cannes Lions 2024
_3 bronze awards won at Cannes Lions 2024 in social & influence category
_silver winner of Aya Inclusion Award
my role included but were not limited to participating actively in the creative ideas and decision making, as well as selecting the right content creators and other main characters for our campaign, creating scripts for the contents and making sure all of them were alligned to the content strategy created and brand messages, administrating deadlines and social media posts along with the influencers, writing multiple press releases with different approaches and contacting the local media outlets to guarantee organic spaces for the campaign, and finally, collecting data and organizing the final results report.
the campaign started with a unbranded content with one of the most prestigious and influentious person in the brazilian black community: Lazaro Ramos
we then released a short film seeking to restate our message about breaking beauty patterns
to amplify our impact, we had the help of disney studios, who created a exclusive animation with Tiana (the princess featured in the product)
our campaign went viral not just nationally, but internationally, creating a viral trend not only on instagram (click here) but also on tiktok (click here)
our content creators team, curated by me, came along to take our messages even further and helped our brand to achieve more than what we could ever imagine
one of our main goals with this campaign was to leave a legacy and make the world a little bit better for the next generations to come
so our last move was a short film and a doll prototype that invited the national toy market to produce dolls that could make black kids feel more represented
the campaign was shortlisted at Cannes Lions 2024 in the categories: Entertainment, Social & Influencer, PR
and won the bronze awards at three different subcategories for social & influencer.